
Under People, you will find a complete overview of all the employees and any other contacts who are registered in the database.

Some people must be registered in CC5: anyone who shall have user or read access to the system – or who shall be responsible for people, assets or contracts and thus also be a recipient of notifications. You must also register people who shall have authorities (if you purchased the optional module Authority Matrix).

People and users

Here you register all persons. You must register all users and everybody who shall receive notifications.



List of People

Person card



People list report

Login report

Custom report for people

Authority Matrix and other useful additional modules!

Authority Matrix

Create a matrix with authorities in your company. Get notified if someone hurts e.g. the amount they can authorize.


Partner card

Register your suppliers and other contract partners.


Digital Signing

Get your contracts signed directly from CC5.


Notifications and events

Get more and tailor-made notifications related for people.