About file security

Many customers wonder what happens to the files that shall be signed digitally: Can others view them in CC5? If yes, who has access? And where are they stored?

The table below gives a quick overview of who has access to which files in a signature request. Find a more detailed explanation below under Access rights in case of several files.

Where's the file from? Who has access?
Me System administrator Other users with access to the file's storage place* Access restriction
File directory "My files" Maximum
Upload from PC High
File directory "Shared files"

File attachment on a contract card Medium
Other places in CC5


* Users must have at least read access to the storage place. A storage place is e.g. a file directory under Shared files or a specific contract card, person card or asset card etc.

Only system administrators have access to files that are uploaded from PC. Other administrators don't have access.

To see a signature request in the overview list, you must have access to at least 1 file that shall be signed.
If you don't have access to all files that shall be signed, those you don't have access to are hidden.
Read more under Access rights in case of several files.